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Bdms Wellness Clinic And The Future Of Fertility

Bdms Wellness Clinic And The Future Of Fertility

What do we know about fertility and where is this science heading? Answers were provided at a seminar, Fertility Awareness and Future Trends of Fertility, hosted by the BDMS Wellness Clinic on 12 November 2018. The Fertility Clinic director, Dr. Poonsak Waikwamde, began by providing an overview of their services while stressing the clinic’s 3 Ps philosophy, Predict, Prevent and Personalize, which is at the core of BDMS’s patient care.


BDMS Wellness Clinic and the Future of Fertility

BDMS Wellness Clinic and the Future of Fertility


           Dr. Poonsak began by saying, “The basic fundamental of happiness lies in family, and at BDMS Fertility Clinic provides a range of reproductive solutions for those experiencing difficulties conceiving. Infertility is a common problem, but with the right treatment and care, the chance of having children can significantly increase.”

          He next discussed fertility planning, genetic mapping and family planning, after which Ms. Pauline Iumsum shared her experience and impressions as a patient of Dr. Poonsak Waikwamde.

          Dr. Wipr Wiprakasit, a specialist in genetics, then went on to introduce a new technology the clinic has acquired for microsome analysis.

          BDMS Wellness Clinic is the first in Thailand to redefine the philosophy of wellness through cutting-edge technology. With its staff of world-class physicians, the clinic is applying the latest advances in genetic and molecular science in their fertility research and treatments as well as in aging and its deceleration as they accurately identify deficiencies and imbalances in the body.

          It is through this careful study that BDMS can predict future illnesses and prescribe the ultimate preventative path to enhanced mental and physical performance.


More images and article can be followed in physical Elite+ December 5, 2018 issue.